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Why to maintain your gas golf cart annually

Why to maintain your gas golf cart annually

For anyone who owns a gas golf cart, annual
servicing is an essential part of keeping their cart
running smoothly and properly. Without regular
maintenance, gas golf cart owners could face more
serious issues such as excessive wear, breakdowns,
and even potential safety risks.
Most gas golf carts have an engine, physical
components, and are exposed to the elements, so
there are several components that require regular
maintenance. The first and most important step in any
golf cart service is changing the filters. This should
always be done when servicing your vehicle. The air,
oil and fuel filters all play an important role in
ensuring the engine is running properly and efficiently,
particularly in cold weather. As well as changing the
filters, other essential maintenance includes checking
the tires' pressure, topping up the oil, and checking
the clutch system, which should be greased and
adjusted if needed.
Regular servicing also helps to identify potential
problems before they become more serious. By taking
the time to inspect for any wear, tear or damage, it is
easier to spot an issue and take corrective action. This
can prevent much greater damage from occurring,
saving you time and money in the long run. For
instance, if the tire pressure is low or the brakes are
too stiff, these problems can be easily fixed at the
time of servicing but can cause serious safety risks if
left unchecked.
In addition to the practical and safety benefits of annual servicing, it is also likely to increase the value
of the cart. A gas golf cart that has been regularly
serviced and maintained is seen as more reliable and
cost-effective than one that hasn't been serviced in a
In conclusion, having your gas golf cart serviced
annually is essential in ensuring it remains in a safe
condition and continues to be as reliable and cost-
effective in the long run as possible. It also serves
toincrease the vehicle's value should you decide to
sell it on in the future. Servicing should never be
overlooked and by arranging for an annual checkup,
you can be sure your golf cart remains in good

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What are the benefits of lithium batteries and are they safe

What are the benefits of lithium batteries and are they safe

Golf carts have long used lead-acid batteries due to
their low cost and easy availability. Recently, however,
lithium batteries have gained popularity as an
upgrade to golf carts due to their several advantages.
Let's look at 10 reasons why lithium batteries are a
good upgrade for golf carts:
1. Improved Performance: Lithium batteries offer more
power than lead-acid batteries, enabling golf carts to
travel faster and farther. This can be a great
advantage, especially when playing on hilly courses.
2. Reduced Weight: Lithium batteries weigh much
less than lead-acid batteries, making it easier to
maneuver golf carts and easier to carry them when
3. Longer Lifespan: Lithium batteries last significantly
longer than lead-acid batteries. Depending on the
way they are used, they can typically last up to six
times longer. This means that golf cart owners will
save on battery replacement costs.
4. Higher Efficiency: Lithium batteries are more
efficient than lead-acid batteries, delivering more
efficient power with less energy lost.
5. Easier Maintenance: Unlike lead-acid batteries,
lithium batteries require very little maintenance and
don't require any regular water top-ups. This makes
keeping your golf cart in good working order easier.
6. More Flexibility: Thanks to their light weight and
slim profile, lithium batteries can be installed in tighter
spaces than lead-acid batteries. This makes it easier
to fit them into a variety of golf cart designs.

7. Faster Recharging: Lithium batteries recharge faster
than lead-acid batteries, meaning that golfers don't
need to wait around for a long recharge time.
8. Safer to Use: Lithium batteries are non-combustible
and non-explosive, making them safer to use in a
variety of locations.
9. Better for the Environment: Not only are lithium
batteries more efficient in terms of their power output,
they are also much less harmful to the environment.
The lack of heavy toxic chemicals means that they are
much more eco-friendly than lead-acid batteries.
10. Lower Initial Cost: While lithium batteries initially
may be more expensive than lead-acid batteries, they
typically last much longer, meaning that their low
maintenance costs and longer life can offset the initial
cost over the long run.
These are just a few of the reasons why lithium
batteries are a great upgrade choice for golf carts.
With their improved performance, reduced weight
and more efficient power output, they can easily bring
your golf cart up to date. If you have more questions about upgrading your cart to lithium please give us a call at Canyon Lake Mobile Golf Cart repair 951-590-9822

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